About Us


The Basse Cote UK is a Guinean Association of Basse Cote Nationals living in the United Kingdom (AGREBAC). It is characterized by a multitude of ethnic groups and cultural mixes whose official language is soussou. The Basse Cote UK was founded on April 2nd, 2018 in Manchester. It consists of reuniting the sons and daughters of the sub-region, strengthening fraternities ties, helping people in need in the Guinean community in the United Kingdom and the basse cote region in Guinea. It also consists of promoting education and cultural exchange. The Basse Cote UK differs from:

    • The welcome: the hands are open for everyone.
      Generosity: we reach out for people in need.
  • Where does our symbol come from.

    Get Inspired & Give

    Organize training sessions related to human development through training modules.

    Cultural Promotion

    Create a framework of intellectual, sporting and cultural exchange for the sons and daughters of the region.

    Help the Needed

    Providing children and their families in need with food & clean water and basic medical supplies.

    We aim to help thousands of people in Basse Côte,
    arrange food & build future for them